- Format the final version of your paper
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- Submit the Copyright Form
- Submit the final PDF version on EDAS
- Send your Registration
1. Format the final version of your paper
Please read the reviews and follow the reviewers’ recommendations for revising your final paper. To
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- Number of pages: 4 to 6.
- Use the provided A4 paper size templates:
- Microsoft Word Template
- LaTeX Template
- DO NOT number the pages of your manuscript.
- DO NOT include hyperlinks in the document (e.g., clickable website addresses in the references).
- DO NOT apply security settings to your PDF file.
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2. Generate the Xplore-compatible PDF format paper
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3. Submit the Copyright Form
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Follow the steps indicated by the IEEE eCopyright system to complete the Copyright Form.
4. Submit the Final PDF version on EDAS
Your camera-ready paper(s) should be uploaded electronically through EDAS no later than September 9th, 2024.
5. Send your Registration
For each accepted paper, at least one author must register for the conference.
For registration information, go to: https://comms.ro/index.html#registration
If you have any questions regarding the registration process please send an email with your request at